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365 Project - April

It's been a full month with a return to full time in-person school (hooray!), Easter, April vacation, spring sports, Quinn's first-ever gymnastics meet, lots of yard work and a covid vaccine (the photo of which I omitted as it has personal info on there). Oh, and I quietly turned the big 4-0 and celebrated at home. I think we've also had four seasons worth of weather all in this one month. It snowed, rained, was windy and cold, and we got some peeks of summer with days where it was over 70 degrees. Hopefully we've seen the last of winter coats and hats and will be enjoying more warm days than not in May. Fingers crossed, but this IS New England, so... you never know.

I love the flowering trees this time of year and always wish that the blooms would last longer, but I've never photographed them as much as I have this spring, and between clients and my own work I think I need to make it a yearly thing to get in as many flower photos as possible before they all blow away in the wind. My ultimate dream is to make friends with someone who owns an orchard so that I can make full use of all the flowering trees while they last, haha. Maybe next year!

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