Month number 6 is all done, which means I'm halfway to finishing my second 365 project! I took a lot of photos of flowers this month, mainly because I found myself more often than not scrambling to grab a photo for the day and my children weren't in the mood to be my subjects. And baseball. We spent a lot of time at baseball and I foresee July being similar, which my baseball obsessed oldest will love. June was hard. Schedule-wise I felt like I spent the last few weeks of having my kids in school taking care of life stuff rather than working, because there was so much going on that that was the only option. There were birthdays, Father's Day, our anniversary, the end of school, get togethers, field trips, field days, try outs for summer sports AND fall sports, check-ups, dentist appointments, our first time with colds in many many months, shooting clients and so.many.sports. So I'm looking forward to a change of scenery next week when we get out of town and head to the beach. Check out what I managed to capture this month below!
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